Text for Support:


We value your feedback

Thank you for taking the time to use our app and provide us with feedback. All feedback is anonymous and data collected is used to build a better app. You can provide feedback as often as you like. We attempt to make updates to the app weekly, so please do visit back often and give us your honest feedback.

    Your age:

    Did you use the most recent updated version of the App?

    Did you understand the instructions on how to set up to take a video?

    Did you watch the tutorial video?

    Date and time:

    How was your wifi / cellular signal at the time of the video?

    What were the weather conditions like?

    Did all the buttons work correctly?

    Did the video upload correctly?

    Did the feedback display correctly?

    Were you able to easily take your video and get results?

    Do you have any experience with golf, before using the app?

    Which result/feedback did you prefer?

    Did you understand the suggested drill to try?

    Did you try the drill?

    Did it improve your score?

    Did you intentionally hit a bad shot, to test the feedback response?

    Would you use the app again to analyze your golf swing?

    How many stars would you give this app 1-5?
    1 being the lowest - 5 being the highest

    What was the best thing about the App?

    What was the worst thing about the App?

    What can the app do without?

    Would you share your results with a friend?

    Would you encourage a friend to try the app to try golf?

    Do you have any other feedback you would like to share.

    All rights reseved  |  Copyright to TeeToon  |  Developed by "The Wikid Agency"